Getting Right

One thing we all need to figure out is how to find our center. As part of my routine, for me, it is going to church on Sunday. It resets my battery, allows me to take a breather, have some time to just be. That time to just be, owe nobody anything, no need to cater to the children, make sure the house is tidy, finish that work assignment. It is my time to reflect on the past week, what I did good, what needs more refining. It is also the time to ask for forgiveness for what went wrong. Sometimes, if I am being honest, it is forgiving myself for some of my actions. I can be very hard on myself. We are very hard on ourselves. I think it is human nature, but if we all took a breather and realized we are the hardest judge, life could be simpler. Let’s focus on our next action, not the past.

The other place I find my reset button is right at the water’s edge. There is nothing like standing with your feet in the ocean, the breeze moving your hair and the sun beaming on your face. All materialism goes away. I find as I am watching the waves and admiring the beauty, my heart is full of gratefulness. After being present for some time, I find thoughts about me, the people in my life, what is happening in my life surround me. They come in and out like the waves crashing on the shore.  I could be on the beach with my whole family but alone in my thoughts. It is very peaceful and provides the rest my soul needs.

Where do you go to get reset? What recharges your battery? Are you finding the time to do this?




2 thoughts on “Getting Right

  1. Getting Right:

    Tric, I love it!

    I find reflection is a state of mind for me…not just a place. Sometimes it is Starbucks, the car, the backyard, the plane. The important thing to do is recharge. For me it is finding the time not the place.

    I too try to do it weekly. I spend time thinking about who I want to be as a husband, father, brother, teammate, etc. Aspirations are what drive me and get me focused. Sure sometimes I aspire for material things, but most often the reflection is human–behaviors I want to exhibit, experiences I want to have, responsibilities I want to honor, loved ones I want to spend time with, etc.
    I am energized through reflection.

    Keep it up,

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