September for many is the start of a new year. For some, like New Years, they have things they are going to do differently, do better, things they are going to create, or finally try.  For me, it is this blog. I have always had a burning fire in my belly to connect with women. This blog is about loving who you are, owning your past, being present, cherishing each day, and shaping your future.

As the blog kicks off, I want to lay down some ground rules so we are on the same page. I was raised in the 70’s and the 80’s, went to college in the 90’s and worked most of my career in the 2000’s.  I have more personal experience than my years.

This is my story. We all have our own story. There is always someone who will laugh, cry and/or relate when they hear a story, whether it is yours or mine. Every story, every life event, has happened for a reason.  All those events have created who I have become, who you have become. Lastly, each day we continue to evolve because of our story.

My goal is that by sharing my story, you will laugh, cry and/or relate, but most of all, you will walk away with a little something. Maybe you will find inspiration. Maybe today is the day you realize you are not alone. Maybe here you will listen to a new song or experiment with a personal challenge presented.

I plan to be very honest and candid with my stories, but remember they are my story, how I view the world. I say that to set the stage, because I am sure as I share my story others who lived it with me may not agree with parts. But here is what I know as a fact. My story is my story – how I feel, how it impacted me, and how it shaped who I am. Nobody can tell me I am wrong for what I remember or what I believe to be true.  Just like you; your story is yours, nobody can change that.

Just like you: your story is yours, nobody can change that. I consider myself an Overcomer and you are too!


My main goal with this blog is to share with you some sunshine, some hope, and also some fun thoughts along the way.  I hope you pass along the link to your friends who may benefit from my stories or enjoy reading.

Thanks for joining me. I can’t predict what is next, but hopefully you will join me on this journey.

xoxox Tric