Yearly Tradition


I remember being a kid, in my footie pj’s, super excited to watch Its the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. It was my favorite part of fall as it was the official start of the holiday season. As the years went on, the tradition stayed alive.  In college, my mom would call me to remind me to watch the night it aired. My sorority sisters and I would sit around the television before heading out for the night.  In my early twenties, my roommate and I would pop popcorn and enjoy the Lucy and Charlie banter.

And now, with my own girls, the tradition remains. My mom texts alerting us of the time and night the show will air, I DVR it, even though I own the DVD, and we will watch it together as it airs.  But my tradition with my girls has gone beyond Charlie Brown. Yes, that is the show that matters most, but we also DVR any cartoon that is Halloween-themed and we will spend a whole Saturday afternoon watching every last one.  My girls, just like me as a little girl, remember each year that once fall comes, so do the fun holiday shows, the pumpkin patches, hayrides, the local parade, and a night of trunk or treat; all before the actual celebration of Halloween.

I love the colors of the changing leaves, the crispiness of the air, anything pumpkin flavored, but more than anything, I love the Charlie Brown tradition that started with just my mom, my brother and my footie pj’s.

What are your fall traditions with your kids? Did they start with your childhood memories?



2 thoughts on “Yearly Tradition

  1. I had (and we now have) a similar tradition in our house…. except mine doesn’t happen for a few months yet….when “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer” comes on television! I remember its very first showing (yes, I’m that old) when – if you missed it – there would not be another chance until NEXT YEAR! So just as I did as a kid sitting in front of our recently-acquired color television, when my kids came along – the world STOPPED the night that Rudolph was aired. Dinner, done. Baths, done. Popcorn, done. We are all parked in front of the television waiting for Rudolph to proclaim, “I’m cude, I’m cude, she thinks I’m cude!” One of my favorite “early years” photos of my kids is of them in front of the tv….the youngest in her own footie pjs, strapped in an infant carrier with a big grin of anticipation, already innately understanding the importance of the moment!

  2. Great Holiday Tradition Tric, what warm memories and fun to have with the kids!! Its not about having Stuff its about making memories together!!

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