Wacky Wednesday

Not kidding, one particular morning, in this order, all within one hour:

  1. I realized I did not setup the coffee to brew the night before, so in attempting to do this, I poured the coffee water all over the container, not in the pot.
  2. I went to grab the toilet paper and it fell out of my hands and rolled across the floor.
  3. I cut myself shaving my leg.
  4. While attempting to put leave-in conditioner in my hair, the conditioner poured all over the floor.
  5. Left the bathroom, very ready for my cup of coffee and came to realize, I never actually turned on the coffee to brew.

This was a record of wacky moments for one morning. How could I not laugh at this? The universe was playing with my patience, begging me to slow down or just breathe.  And while my day was not going at all as planned, let me detail what was happening in that same hour with my girls:

  1. They both woke up on their own, without any coaching.
  2. Made their beds without being asked.
  3. Put their clothes on without being asked.

What a blessing! As if the universe and God realized I could not handle anything else that morning, the children, for just one morning, were awesome at taking care of themselves.

I am sure you can relate. Maybe your list of ‘gotchas’ was longer than mine but when that happens, take a deep breathe, laugh at the craziness and then as you are heading out the door, stop and say “It is going to be a great day! Just don’t get me near any machinery.”



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