
When I am home, I am in my pjs, no jewelry and my hair is up in a clip. It does not matter the time of day.  I just like to be very comfortable when home. This was actually a problem when the girls were little. Deanna would walk in the door and request her pjs be put on right away. The problem was the girls do not get their baths until the evening before bedtime so we were changing into pjs right after school and then putting on crisp, clean pjs after bath time. Can I say overload on wash!

When I leave the house, at a minimum I am wearing multiple bracelets, lip gloss perfectly applied and hair just right. If I am headed to work or on my way to a women’s group meeting, dinner, or presentation, I also am wearing my “armor”. What is my armor you ask? Foundation on my face and spandex underneath my clothes, regardless of the outfit.  You see, I have found that the foundation reminds me to be my best. The spandex pulls me close and reminds me to stay guard. People are always watching and your first impression only comes once. I have a sign on my desk that reads, “Another Day Another Chance to Sparkle.” This is just another reminder to be my best.

I recently went to an event where Sara Canuso from Women that Influence, spoke. She said something simple that I loved. She said, “There is nothing casual about my future.” BOOM, and there it was. Who could argue with that comment? We all have a vision of our future. Every moment of each day is an opportunity to make your vision a reality. How are you getting yourself ready for your future? Are you bringing your best when out and about? Do you realize at any moment something spectacular could happen that would influence your future?

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