
We need more compassion in this world, especially now. All religions should be treated with compassion and care. No one is better than the other. They are just different but in the end, all begin and end with love.

I was raised a Catholic as a child, my mother remarried a Jewish man. My childhood was spent enjoying Catholic holidays and Jewish holidays. My favorite cookie is the Hamantash Cookie. I love the Passover Dinner, as we gather around the table, tell the story, and talk about why we celebrate.  All holidays were just as important to my family, no matter the religion. It was a time to remember, a time to celebrate and just as important, a time to bring family together. As an adult, I am a Christian and my husband follows the Buddhist way of life.  I appreciate his believes. Do I wish he came to church with us? Sure I do but that is not his path.

I was recently traveling for work and found myself in a conversation around religion and could feel the tension at the table. Everyone was on eggshells. We should be avoiding this conversation, just like politics.  But here is the thing, if we avoid and never seek the knowledge to understand, how do we learn? How do we appreciate another way of life, another way of thinking?

People are people. We are ALL searching for answers, our path to enlightenment, our key to heaven, or the recipe for finding peace and balance. How about we do it with compassion for the other side? In the end, it is all begins and ends with love anyway.

(Full disclosure, this post was not meant to address the hateful terrorists acts we continue to see. I do not condone them and my heart goes out to all of the families affected by them.)


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