Present Thoughts

In Anne Morrow Lindbergh’s book, Gift from the Sea, she states something so profound yet lost on us in the daily grind. “When the heart is flooded with love there is no room in it for fear, for doubt, for hesitation.”

I define love in this sentence as gratefulness, graciousness, admiration, appreciation and compassion.  If we can accept each day for what it is and appreciate the blessings around us, focusing on all the good in our bubble, the rest goes dormant. We can love who we are and where we are in our lives. Our fear of not being good enough, doubting we have the knowledge, or hesitating to speak our mind diminishes.

When we can clear the baggage, the clutter which is really what fear, doubt, and hesitation are, we can tackle the day with a bright outlook, full of love.

So now you are thinking, how do I clear the clutter? You must be present in the moment. Focus on the tasks in front of you leaving the energy of yesterday behind you. Enjoy the stress appreciating it for what it is; in that moment work that energy into good.  Enjoy the ride if you will, whether it is stormy in the moment or full of sunshine and rainbows. Love the storm, you know what they say, the storms make us stronger for tomorrow. And when it is sunny, love the sun, embrace the goodness.

Basically, when we can appreciate time as right now and right now only, we can let go of all the baggage sitting in our head and love living.

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