Love me some Halloween fun

I think Halloween might be one of our family’s favorite holidays as it holds so much tradition, lots of fun times and great memories. Each season we try to attend at least three to four events that we love – trunk or treat, hayrides and festivals but more importantly we also try to give back to the community in a little way.

Neighborhood Boo- If you have never seen this, it is when a neighbor puts a note at your front door with a sign that says,” You have been booed”. Along with the sign is usually a basket or bag of treats for the whole family. This year we were determined to boo our closest friends. The girls helped plan all the goodies that would go into the basket, which included countless notes about the holiday, pumpkin drawings, books for both girls, book markers, candy, and some salt and pepper skulls. But what was more fun than planning was actually keeping the secret of it being us who left the treats. We walked up to their front door with lanterns to leave the basket right before bed time. We had countless role plays about what if one of the girls asks if it was us, we should say very simply, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, but it sounds like fun”. The excitement at the bus stop the next morning, watching our neighbor open the door to gather the gifts, hearing her run to show the rest of the family and then the excitement as she shared what she got, who it could be. It was sheer fun.  Deanna loved it so much; she wanted to do more families.

What I love about this activity is that is an easy way to show the girls how to do something nice for some else for no other reason than to make them smile.  Last year we wrote a note thanking a family who decorates their whole yard for the holiday and it is truly a sight to see. Writing that thank you note had such an impact, the girls still talk about it and this year, they have found a few homes who they want to thank.  You might be thinking- why a thank you note? It is simple; that family brought the girls and I so much joy throughout the Halloween season we could not not acknowledge their efforts and share our gratitude.

I like little ways to teach the girls to be kind, show by doing, and then watch them learn and grow.

One last note: my favorite hayride includes a Toys for Tots bin. It might not be a farm with tons of people, but a local restaurant going out to show some fun in the community and make an impact for some families in need.

2 thoughts on “Love me some Halloween fun

  1. When I lived in MD, there was a house that would go ALL OUT for Christmas with their house decorations. I loved it in general, but it gave me motivation to run by their house when it was super cold out and I was quite unmotivated. I left them a thank you note the next year. I knew they wouldn’t ever know who I was and that brought me just as much joy as their lights.

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