Thankful heart


As the holiday season is upon us, be open to a thankful heart. The hustle and bustle of the season will drive your planning and your purchases, however, if you practice mindfulness, you will find yourself pausing in this crazy season. When you take pause, utilize your thankful heart.

What are your blessings today? Family, friends, a strong faith, a great job, an awesome community…

Consider taking the time to craft some thoughtful thank you cards for those in your life who are making a positive impact. It is amazing what happens when you spend the time to do this activity. The benefits to your wellbeing will be overwhelming, not to mention the appreciation of the receiver of your card.

I recently celebrated 20 years at my company. The company I work for does an amazing job honoring those who have who have worked for them for 20 years and beyond by hosting a very nice evening of dinner and dancing, followed by giving all new inductees a watch.  For me, this was a huge achievement but I could not celebrate the evening without thanking all those in my path over the last 20 years who have contributed to my success. I spent time reflecting on those who over the 20 years have made an impact on my success and I wrote 20 thank you cards.  What an overwhelming thankful heart I had writing each card. I took my time on each card, because each person uniquely impacted my life and I wanted that expression to come through in the card.

Don’t loss the true reason of the holiday season and find time to pause, reflect, and be thankful.

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