
“When I am not happy, it’s because I’ve lost my perspective and things that are not going to matter in five years or even five hours have taken over.” Susan Sarandon

How true!!! We can all agree, Susan is a wise gal and this saying is no different. Especially at this time of year, there is so much pressure to be the best at everything. Host the best holiday party, see all your friends, give the best gifts, and I say “Really?!”  Because of this pressure we put on ourselves, it can wreak havoc on our day. I have found I need to go at my own speed in order to stay happy this season.  Here are some of my secrets, steal what works for you:

  1. Schedule a weekend of nothing. Order takeout and plan to watch a few holiday family movie everyone can enjoy.
  2. Let the children take the lead. My girls are the ones who push us to get the real tree. I wait every year for their lead; I am fine with my skinny sparkly tree. But to see their joy when we get the tree and watch them go through all the family ornaments is emotional, in a good way. You can see the memories they (we) are making year after year.
  3. Find a night at least once during the holiday season to go on a date night. It is somewhat magical outside at night and as a mom of young kids, you can miss that magic if you are too busy just being mom.
  4. Find one holiday book to read during the month of December. I like to select a book that reminds us about kind hearts, love, and spreading joy. (Don’t be mad at me when you’re done the book and feel a sense of loss that you finished it, because of the warmth your heart feels.)

It is the little things in your day to day life that are going to make you smile and make you see how happy you really are!

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