Lesson #4 from a soon to be Kindergarten Graduate

Loud and clear she yells from the backseat, “I am perfect!”  At that moment, I realize we are not talking about the same thing. Deanna is angry because her sister, Delaney, forgot to thank her for something and when I say, “You are not perfect either.”, she is very quick to correct me. She is very clear to articulate she is perfect, exactly as she is, the way the Lord made her.  When I explain to her that this is not what I mean, she says it loud and clear again, “I am perfect, exactly as I am!” And at that moment I realize I need to address Delaney and Deanna’s transgressions later…

But WOW. She is right; what a great message for all us to hear from a six year old. We are all perfect, just as God made us, flaws and all. Sure, we all can make improvements and adjust, learn from our mistakes, but at the same time, we are perfect.  There is only one you exactly like you and you are perfect as you are.

Imagine if we, as young adults or older adults, could remember that simple three line sentence each day? “I am perfect!”  We would still strive to do better, learn something new, improve a routine, and try harder. But knowing even if we did nothing, we are still perfect as we are. Imagine how pretty we would feel, how confident we would feel, how we would realize we are more than enough, and the change that could occur in our everyday.

Start today by realizing YOU ARE PERFECT AS IS and then decide where you want to push yourself beyond perfection.

3 thoughts on “Lesson #4 from a soon to be Kindergarten Graduate

  1. We are perfect and sometimes need to remind ourselves of that. It is so easy to get wrapped up in what you aren’t doing or wish you could do.

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