A Third

We have friends who just celebrated their 10 year wedding anniversary and so we offered to take their son for a few days while they escaped to enjoy each other.  This additional child brought my child count up to three. I was a little concerned how it would go with three as many say three can cause conflict, uneven numbers, etc.

Now, full disclosure, I realize my experience may be slightly different because one of the children was not mine but here is what I found:

  1. Three actually evened out what was fair and not fair. We still needed to ensure everyone was first, middle, or last, like at shower time, but with three, no one minded their rank each night. We drew numbers to keep it fair.
  2. Chores got done quicker. The dinner table was set in no time and everyone was eager to help. Also, everyone wanted to show what a good eater they were, cleaning their plates. I say bring on the extra children at dinner time if it will make my girls eat!!
  3. When it was time to read, they were all eager to show what they knew and talk about the book they were reading.
  4. The fights in my house were actually fewer for a few days. The focus seemed to be more about what the group wanted, instead of one of them getting their way.

We really soaked up the time as a family of five and appreciated the few days we had together. If you are given the opportunity to watch an additional child, embrace it and see how it changes the dynamics in your household.

2 thoughts on “A Third

  1. Good to know as I feel like taking on more than my own child is scary. I watch my nieces from time to time and they can be out of control, but I guess a solid structure is key to all of this.

  2. I’m taking my nephew this coming week, and I’m more than a little apprehensive. I am glad to read this – it seems there’s potentially a more positive experience for all than I’m anticipating!

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