Positive Healing

If you know me personally, you know I am a positive person.  If I am raw and honest with you, I have lost a piece of my joy lately. Life has been a bit too much: the pressures of being a mom, doing right by the kids and my husband, and continuing to learn my new job, it has all been a bit overwhelming.  Add my aunt’s passing and, wow, it is like the waves keep coming and I can’t come up for air.

I was out shopping recently and saw a book I had to have. By the way, spontaneous shopping is usually when I discover my greatest finds. I bought a book titled “Think Positive Thoughts Every Day”.  Honestly  I did not even open the book, just picked it up, and bought it.

So I sit down and randomly open to a page and here is what it said:

Don’t Let Anything Steal Your Joy

Choose to be well in every way. Choose to be happy no matter what. Decide that each day will be good just because you’re alive.

You have power over your thoughts and feelings.  Don’t let your circumstances dictate how you feel. Don’t let your thoughts and feelings color your situation blue or desperate.

What came to my mind – Love Living you!

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