
Found this quote today. I believe it is the perfect time to post it because it is the holiday season, but I believe it should also be applied to everyday of the year:

“Leave a little sparkle where you go.”

People are overly stressed this time of year. Some are struggling through the holidays without that special loved one who may have passed this year. Some might be stressed over the lack of money they have to buy presents for their loved ones. Some might have been laid off from their job. The list goes on.
But just a simple gesture can go a long way. Send someone a sweet email letting them know you appreciate them, hold the door for the old womaen walking behind you in to the store, let someone go ahead of you at the checkout line who appears stressed, buy the person behind you a coffee in the Starbucks lines.
We have two weeks left before Christmas arrives, let’s be angels and spread joy!

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