Sprinkles of Blessings

Children are easily influenced by those around them. What others have, what others are doing, where others are going, etc.  I notice it with both my girls. It just happens. They need to be reminded of what they have, they need to have your influence constantly touching them. My kids roll their eyes as they run to the bus stop and I shout, “Kindness Counts!” (The first 30 times they smiled, now it is like a broken record, “yes, we know, we know!”)

So how do you combat that?  For me, it is through text. I started texting them sweet messages.

On a rainy cold day, the message might say: How blessed you are to come home to a warm dry house with a pantry full of your favorite snacks.

On a summer morning: What a lucky girl to get to walk the beach and see the waves crashing, feel the sun kiss your face and enjoy your day.

You get the message. What I notice is, it is working, it is the little sprinkles of love, and most of all a reminder of how blessed we are!

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