The Bad Word

Are you ready? I have never spoken in vain here and I try to stay positive so don’t judge me. The bad word in my house is Math!

Deanna and I cringe at the word Math. I was not good at it as a child, still am not. I admit it.  I even make jokes about it amongst my circle of friends and family as I would rather be laughing together than have everyone laugh at me.  But I have recognized one thing – I don’t want that for Deanna. I want her to be comfortable with math. I want it to be like any other subject in school, just another class.

Math does not come easy to her but once she gets it, she is on fire. (Not the case for me.) I have given her more math than assigned at homework time because I know it will become second nature to her at one point.  I have also started to reflect on what is hard for me personally. I am trying to do more of it or change the way I do it and see if that makes the difference.

I know what you are thinking. Tric – No better time than the present to start on your math skills! I assure you, I relive my fear and discomfort every night as I check the girls’ homework. Lucky for me, I can use a calculator to check my work.


What is really hard for you that you want to be better at? Can you make the time to do it more?

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