Let’s talk Friends

I found this saying while browsing Facebook.  I love everything here. A bunch of quick, easy to remember lessons for all: a guide to be the BEST YOU.  I bolded two parts:

Don’t chase People.

Be an Example.

Attract Them.

Work Hard

And be Yourself.

The People

Who Belong

In Your Life

Will Come Find

You and Stay.

Just Do Your Thing.

  1. Don’t chase People –  Have you ever had a close friend and then it seemed like they were slipping away? It almost feels like a break-up. The kind of break-up where you are not even sure where it went wrong.  It is easy to want to get answers, but the truth is it is not your concern. You need to pick up, thank the Lord for the friendship and let it go.  They might have been given to you to teach you something or just for a season in time.
  2. The People who belong in your life will come find you and stay – Now look at the other end of your friendships; think about the ones where the friendship has flourished quickly or through the years. It seems no matter the season you are in, they are always there, whether it be for a regular dinner or just a phone call. They seek you as much as you seek them and you both relish in that comfort of the friendship.

Focus on those friendships. Always focus on the good. The good brings out your best self.

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