The Life Coach

An incredible Life Coach, Phil Okrend from Stepping Stone Coaching, posted the following message months ago to his Facebook page and it stuck with me so much I took a picture of it and find myself reviewing it often.

What you know in your heart to be true is the strongest indication of your path.  If you ignore it, or succumb to pre-conceived notions driven by the voices of friends, family, community, society, or that voice of the gremlin in your own head, there will be a disconnect, and breakdowns will occur at some point. The breakdowns, if you allow them, can very well become breakthroughs.  They are there to help you regain your compass to what is right for you. Nothing is ever there to punish you, but rather awaken you. Pay attention, stay awake and walk your authentic truth. There is nothing more important.

No matter where you are in your journey, I hope this message rings true for you, that I GET IT or YES moment!

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