
Deanna likes to play a game at dinner time. The way it works is you select another dinner guest and have them name a number of items. You get to pick the amount you are seeking and the category. Sounds fun right? Name five animals who swim, name five green vegetables, name six Disney Princesses, the game is endless.

Until your seven year old says, “Mommy- name five different brands of wine.” Wow- that was a reality check! I might be bringing too much wine into the house.  I might be enjoying wine a little too much on a regular basis. Not something I want my child to remember when I am long gone.  

Sometimes our children are kind enough to give us a reality check we need without even realizing. Thanks to that dinner, I am not bringing wine into the house unless we have dinner guests or are celebrating something.

You know what is funny, I feel better each day too! I am not sluggish in the morning, my skin is extremely hydrated from all the water I am drinking, and I have even lost a few pounds.

Have your kids reminded you about a habit you need to break?

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