Stealing Moments

Jarrod and I were blessed with an opportunity to head out on a cruise for four nights with our dear friends from Raleigh. It was really an easy decision: time away in the sun with some great friends— Yes Please.

As we boarded the plane we realized we actually had not been away without the kids for more than a night in over 6 years. Where did the time go? How did that happen?  We promised each other to enjoy the time to the fullest, savor each meal, pause and feel the sun beating on our faces, most of all, just be present.

I can’t tell you what a welcome that vacation was, I am not even sure we realized until it was happening how much we needed that time away for ourselves to just be us.

I know we are not alone; there are many other moms and dads reading this that might even be calculating more than six years- give yourself the gift of time away with just your spouse. I assure you, it will be time well spent!

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