Unplanned Joy

We were asked to care for a little dog with a few hours’ notice.  Of course, we said yes, we had not had a dog in the house since Ty and it has become a regular conversation that we needed a new dog.  So, at dinner time we announced to the girls that in an hour a dog named Penny would be coming to stay with us for a few days.

The girls were thrilled, asking a million questions; where will she sleep, can I walk her, does she like toys, can we keep her? (Note- she had not even stepped foot in the front door and we were already asking if we could keep her) Penny arrived and she was instantly loved by all. We quickly got in a routine taking turns who would hold the leash and fighting over whose lap she would sit on during nighttime tv.

She even became my work friend, sitting on the chair next to my desk while I worked all day, alerting me of the lawn service, the mailman, and when the girls arrived home from school.

We thought we had it all figured out, just the four of us living our daily plan, but the unplanned joy Penny brought us has reminded us all how precious taking care of another living creature can be for the whole family. (I know what you’re thinking, Olivia, the hermit crab is a living creature, but please- she gets food, water, a weekly bath, and that is really it on the interactions)

So it is official- we are looking for a dog!!

Service Announcement: I highly suggest if you have little kids, borrowing a dog for a few days to ensure a dog would fit into the family schedule before actually purchasing. It is a large investment and understanding the time commitment by living it for a few days will really add perspective.



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