God Winks

One of my favorite things about being aware of your surroundings is being able to see a God Wink when it shows up. A God Wink is defined as An event or personal experience, often identified as coincidence, so astonishing that it is seen as a sign of divine intervention, especially when perceived as the answer to a prayer.”

 Although I do believe at times it may be an answer to a prayer, my ultimate favorite God Winks are the little ones:

  1. You’re completely stressed out and drained running around and you jump in the car to pick up your kid from their activity when that one song – you know the song, the one that brings everything back into perspective – begins just as you turn the radio on.
  2. You’re caring for a sick family member and you feel like you can’t handle one more thing and you get a text from a friend saying they were just thinking about you.
  3. You have been trying to solve a problem for months and you meet a new friend who has the solution, without even knowing you needed assistance. (This is the whole right place, right time idea.)

If you are present throughout your day, you will see these little God Winks were put just in the right place, at the right time, for you.


Are you seeing your God Winks?

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