Bursting at the Seams

Do you ever feel like you are bursting at the seams? There is no room for anything else in your mind. Because you’re so full, it affects how you perform your normal activities; like yesterday I put my car keys in the dog’s basket of toys.

For me, it takes a lot to see I am bursting at the seams because I often think that I can do it all. Sure, I can drive them there. Yes, I want the extra project at work, etc.  What I have learned though is the feeling of being overwhelmed is often due to the fact that I am not actually taking care of myself – whether that be I am eating too much food, or I am not walking the dog or even not doing a full workout.

In order to perform at your peak and do it all, you need to take care of the whole puzzle. Ensure your mind and body are nourished so that you can perform at your peak. It is all connected.

Are you bursting or beaming?



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