Dream Small

I can’t remember where I saw it but it was a message about dreaming small. At first, just like you, I was thinking, that is not the right message, we should always be striving for more, see ourselves as our best, reaching for the stars, achieve big things, be all you can be…

But then I realized, it is brilliant. It makes perfect sense. Dream small is all about putting the steps in place to achieve the larger dream and focusing on those smaller steps that will eventually bring the larger dream to reality.

If we are honest, many times we are so busy dreaming the larger dream we forget to enjoy the little steps along the way, so by dreaming small, you take each step as a blessing, a little treasure, a tangible doable action.

I started practicing “dream small” and can honestly tell you I feel better mentally at what I am achieving, easier to digest action items. I am always trying to be healthier, lose weight, drink less, be in a state in calm, the list goes on, right?  When I started to dream small, as an example: today I am going to run on the treadmill, I see it, I can feel it, it becomes even more real as I step on the treadmill. Of course, that is a small step to the large dream, but it allows me to take it in small bites, achievable steps.

I am dreaming small, are you?

One thought on “Dream Small

  1. Trish- This is a very effective tactic as we can do what we believe. Oftentimes Small Nudges that you will do are much more impactful than Big ideas or thoughts that your subconscious brain will not do.

    Thanks for the post and sharing your ideas. jg

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