
My energy has been low recently. When I say low, what I mean is by mid-day I feel like someone is behind me pushing me to the finish line. When I was single and had a low energy slump I would power through the workday, do my workout and just plan to get in bed much earlier. With a family, it is not that easy. I have other lives that are looking to me for dinner, assistance with homework and a night walk (Penelope).  So…what that means is I have had to give myself more grace and at times cut back, take a break before dinner, choose not to work out but eat less, take deep breaths and be honest with everyone if I seem not over-engaged.

We all have moments where we need to self-evaluate, be honest and adjust.  It has taken me a long time to realize when these moments happen that does not mean that I am failing at my goals. I am just flexing in the moment.

How you are doing? Are you flexing and not being so hard on yourself when adjustment is needed?


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