It Matters

We were driving in the car, Deanna singing along to all the songs – like usual – and a song comes on the radio. It starts like this: “My friends hate you and I hate them too.” I immediately say, “I don’t think so.” I quickly change the channel to one of our family’s favorite channels, a Christian station where the songs are focused on love, kindness, and a higher being.  Deanna says, “But Mommy, it is just a song.”

Here is the thing; it is not just a song. It is words that are unkind. Words influence all of us each day, whether they are positive or negative. It has been proven that words can shape your mind and the way you approach life, including how you view your inner self-worth. The word hate is such a strong word, filled with anger and yucky feelings. It is not a word we should be using in regular conversations.

Our minds are precious, and our children’s minds are even more precious because they only know what we teach and show them. It matters what you listen to; it matters to your whole well-being. Protect your mind and be aware of what words are in that funky cool song.

Choose positive reinforcers for you and those little ones around you.

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