Season of Appreciation

When this blog was due to come out, I was supposed to be sitting on the beach, with the sun shining on my face. It became clear as soon as schools were canceled my vacation was not going to happen.  At first, like many of us, there was denial and a bit of depression because a highly anticipated event was now a no-go. Then, the realization came that life is different for the time being and all became well.

This is a new season of appreciating what we have:

Extra time with the family.

Coming up with creative ways to get along.

More intimate conversations on the state of the world with the kids.

More movie nights because running around to activities has been put on hold.

More time to work out because we are no longer commuting to and from work.

Actual time to give to neighbors who need assistance.

Ability to connect virtually in ways never possible.

The list goes on…..

I encourage you to make your list. Discuss the list with those around you and determine any blind spots.  This is not a hold on life, but a pause to reset our internal gratitude on what really matters in life.

Stay safe and healthy.

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