That kind of Summer

With this new norm, this summer is going to feel different for all us. When the pool was canceled, I did have a moment of panic. What will our summer look like? Will the kids have fun? What types of activities will we do? The list goes on…because when your norm is disturbed, you enter the unknown.

Then I came across this quote,

I could never in a hundred summers get tired of this.” Susan Branch

Sure the unknown is scary, but the uncharted waters could be refreshing. This could be a defining summer where we realize possibly the pool was sucking up all our time, who knows. So, I made a promise to myself, we are going to make this summer the kind of summer we look back on with fond memories.  Maybe we explored different parts of town, enjoyed being home more, not because we were asked to stay home for safety, but because it felt right.

Let’s make this summer the kind summer we could never get tired of……..

Be well, be safe!

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