Appreciation for Self-Value

I recently met someone new and she completely downplayed something extraordinary about her job skills. When I mentioned it, she agreed, she should have showcased this experience with pride and confidence. But we all do this, don’t we? We don’t want to seem braggy or overly confident, so we say little or add a joke at the end, even if deep down it is an achievement.

We need to take a pause and evaluate our achievements occasionally. Not only does it highlight how far we have come, but it also shows how much farther we plan to go. If you are uncomfortable doing this alongside someone, I encourage you to draft a bio of your career as if you were going to share it with others.

You will be surprised at the feeling of pride that will sweep over you. Save the bio and if you need a boost of confidence or a reminder of how you earned your spot, pull out the bio and take a read……

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