Jesus Juju

Universe, Jesus, Buddha, however, you feel connected, I am going to say Jesus for me. Have you ever felt like you were getting signs all around you, a message of some kind, like a wake-up call?

I have, or I should say had, a gem bracelet that was given to me as a child, that I was wearing on my wrist for so many years, I can’t even count. The only time I took it off was to get it cleaned by the jeweler. Last month I was sitting at my friend’s house and realized it was missing.  Everyone was kind of enough to reassure me it can’t be far, where are we going these days, right? I agreed, and the girls and J were gems (see what I did there) helping me look everywhere at home, my office, car, my bed, my favorite chair- nothing.

As I was laying in bed that night, I realized I was not even sure the last time I remember it being on my wrist, which honestly scared me. Am I really that unaware of what is going on around me, on me? I took a deep breath, truthfully because I was crying from the loss of something sentimental, and decided this was Jesus telling me to slow down and notice what is around me- take it in, appreciate it, don’t be blind to it all.

Call me crazy or silly, but I like think Jesus JuJu was at play.


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