
In our home the phrase “that is not fair” is a bad phrase. Not only a bad phrase, but a punishable phrase to use. I had a dear friend share early on with my kids, fair does not mean equal. That is a brilliant perspective, as it is spot on. Often, we compare what is happening around us, and it might seem unfair if others are excelling more than us or getting better treatment.

What I am constantly training the girls to understand is when they use that bad phrase, they are also focusing on something they often times can’t change and allowing negative thoughts to consume their mind and spirit, which is never a good headspace to exist.  So they need to be very clear, if they want to share something they would like to change, they need to focus their attention on how to make the change.

Focusing your attention on action to achieving what you want will motivate you and propel you forward. And it will most likely attract others to assist you because of your positive attitude.

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