It applies

One of my Sales Directors has a great saying, “If you don’t know you’re winning the deal, you’re losing.”  She is right, every single time she says it, I feel an aha moment.  Always later in the day, when the words are still lingering for me, I start thinking outside of work.  Do I know if I am winning in my relationships with my husband, kids, parents, friends, co-workers, boss?  Is my house in order? How is my health, am I eating clean, am I drinking too much?  What about my spirituality, am I taking time to reflect, be still?

If I do not know the answer, then clearly the answer is no, and I am losing.

This is an easy question to ask yourself every so often, get back in check, know you’re winning. Your waist size is slimming down, you feel great for the spiritual moments each day, your husband and kids are smiling, everything is in balance…..

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