Everyday Magic

What if you walked through life as if it was the last time you were going to see your surroundings.  Follow along…

You’re driving the same street you take every day, but today you notice the trees are so green, and the second house on the left has a tree swing.

You’re walking along the water, at the beach, and notice how refreshing the water feels on your feet.

Your daughter is telling you a story about her playtime with friends, and you notice her eyes twinkle with joy, as the day is recapped.

You’re sipping your glass of pinot grigio and you notice how the glass is sweating because the wine is cold, the smell is fruity, and the taste is crisp and refreshing.

The list goes on, pick anything throughout your day and savor the moment, as if it is the last time you will hear, see, taste, etc.  When you can do that, everything becomes magical.

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