Capturing the Joy

I noticed over the holiday more and more families were posting their holiday greetings via Facebook rather than mailing out cards.  Many of the messages said something like, “We are trying to slow down” or “Enjoying the season, not the hustle and bustle.” I was even living in that space of time, I wrote a few cards, never sent them.  With that said, I do want to note, my favorite part of the holiday is my fridge filled with holiday greeting cards!

The simple picture with a post was a nice gesture for all to see, even spans a much further reach than the typical holiday card list.  So for one moment, I do need to acknowledge, social media was used for good and joy. Could we possibly have started a movement over the holiday and not even realized it?

Only use your social media for joy- share funny pictures, heartfelt moments, capturing memories you don’t want to be forgotten.  That means we say no to the rubbish that appears on our feed. We don’t engage in the negative press. 

This year let’s try to only see the joy and spread love. Not only will it pass the time more peacefully, but it will also actually bring more happiness.

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