We can’t ignore we experienced greatness in our lifetime. Hold tight, a really good lesson coming your way…..Tom Brady retired this week. Did you know he was a low draft pick? When the owner first called him by his name he actually got his name wrong? Tom had an insane work ethic, drive, and belief in himself he would be great. AND he did it, and he was!!!

He actually told the owner of the Patriots, ” You will never regret picking me.” and year after year he performed and showed continued growth and greatness. Whether you are a fan or not, facts don’t lie, stats don’t lie, dedication does not lie.

Who are you when you wake up? I am not just another hire, I suppose you are not as well. You came to do great things. Strive for greatness and GOAT status, see where it takes you. I assure you, dedication, the right mindset, and persistence to see and believe in the future you want, can take you there! You have to see it, believe it, and execute each day.

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