
I love that word! One of my affirmations is, “ I have a life filled with an abundance of love and success.” On the other hand, there are times when I feel like the abundance of “stuff” is sucking the life out of me. First world problem, I do realize.

Let me explain.  By the end of winter, it seems both girls’ rooms are busting at the seams.  The cold weather seems to bring out the consumer in all three of us.  We tend to buy.  More shirts and perfume for Delaney, and more stuffies for Deanna because they bring joy and each one is unique.  For me, it is dresses and beauty products. What typically happens is I start to feel “really itchy”, like the house is closing in on me. When I walk into their rooms, I feel annoyed at the “extras.” I ask gently for the first two weeks, “can we start to clean out for Spring, maybe get two bags and go through the room. Create a trash bag and a donation bag and get honest about your consumption and what should stay.” By week four I am in full-on attack mode, announcing, that this Saturday will be an all-hands-on-deck day and we are cleaning out every inch of both rooms.

When Saturday comes, everyone knows the mission, they know better than to ask for a Starbucks run, Target trip, or ride to a friend.  This year we loaded the entire trunk of my 8-passenger SUV of books, clothes, and other childhood items no longer serving a purpose.  On the ride home the car was lighter, my head was clear again, and the house felt as if the life had been brought back.

I appreciate how Springtime can be a rebirth, renew type of time.

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