
As I get older I am learning new tricks or should I say I am giving myself permission to behave differently. I don’t believe in giving something up all together, mostly because I don’t have the will power to just be done, especially if it is something I enjoy. So, I share with you, my little bit of joy wisdom when eating or drinking.

I give you permission to satisfy and not indulge. You want a glass of wine and only have a bottle in the house, open it, have your glass and gift the rest to a friend. Your out at a restaurant and want the chocolate cake, order it, have your two forks full and be done. Of course wrap it and take it home, the kids might enjoy a few bites over the next few days.

I don’t view this as wasteful by the way, as the wine or dessert takes on a whole new purpose after I had my share. I also have noticed, while I give myself permission the cravings come less, so I see it as part of the process.

Permission to satisfy a craving but not indulge. The French say that is an indulgent in itself, I leave you to debate it.

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