Calling all Moms and Pranksters

April Fools’ is quickly approaching. My children love April Fools’ Day.  They have high expectations of mommy fooling them however, this year, I am out of ideas.  I thought I would share some of the things I have done in the past and you could share what has won your children over. My hope is that between myself and you, the reader, everyone will get some great ideas.

Here goes:

  1. Put some tissue paper in their shoes so when they go to put them on, they can’t get their feet in. This has given me many dividends. I did this trick 3 years ago and for the past 2 years, Deanna has checked her shoes before putting them on.
  2. Replace the crème of an Oreo with toothpaste. So gross!
  3. Prepare their breakfast cereal the night before April 1 and place in the freezer. When they go to put their spoon in, the ice blocks it. This was my personal favorite. Delaney asked me to do it again the next year.
  4. While the children are asleep, swap them during the night so they wake up in their sibling’s bed.
  5. Cover the sensor on the remote control with a small piece of tape after you have turned on the TV.
  6. Place googly eyes on items in the fridge.

Ok, your turn!

One thought on “Calling all Moms and Pranksters

  1. Hey Tric.

    I love your list of past April Fool’s Day jokes!

    You can add red or green food coloring to many food items/drinks.
    Place some small rubber balls just inside the door of a cabinet that the girls are sure to open.

    If I think of anything else I will let you know.

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