Your Sunshine

I have two little girls. As you can imagine, we are always watching shows on Disney or Nick.  Some of the cartoons have the greatest music that even us, adults, should be listening to and absorbing the lesson.  Bubble Guppies is a great little show with lessons for kids on sharing and showing love as well as history and science lessons. It is a great show for both boys and girls.   One of their songs is called, “Sun, Beautiful Sun”.  The song is actually a science lesson about the solar system, my girls know every word.

Then there is our furry purple favorite dinosaur, Barney. He has a song called “Mr Sun”. The song says, “Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun, please shine down on me”.  It is a happy song; the kids are dancing around with beach umbrellas and beach balls. There is sand everywhere, a great fake beach, it is uplifting.

Bear with me, we are getting to my point- Both songs are fun and easy to remember. If you know about the  “7 Habits of Highly Effective People”, Covey also has a “7 Habits of Highly Effective Kids”. With the kids he talks about taking your weather with you wherever you want to go. Children have a choose to be happy or sad.  You know where I am going right……..

It is our choice to wake up each day and give it our best, bring our sunshine with us, regardless of the forecast. If this is hard for you, may I make one easy  thing to do, simple suggestion?

When you wake up, before putting your feet on the ground, take a deep breath and say to yourself, “Today is going to be a great day; I am going to be happy all day long, it is going to be sunny!”  This is knowing you are going to sit in traffic in the morning, or have to sit in a horrible work meeting; YOU are going to BRING your SUN.

Just putting that thought out there will change your whole day. So if you are sitting in that traffic jam, sing your sunshine song, enjoy the time that has been given to you to reflect on what is next in your busy day, watch the people around you.

Side Bar: If you are in a traffic jam, take notice to how many people are texting or are on the phone. My husband and I like to play a game where we make up who they are talking to or texting.  He likes to believe the ones on the phone are big time stock brokers, making trades, or a doctor on the way to surgery.  Why you ask- because nothing is truly that important when you are driving, other than driving and being aware of your surroundings.

Find your sunshine today and carry it with you all day, regardless of the situation in front of you.

Until we meet again,


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