“Gratitude can transform common days into Thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.” ~ William Arthur Ward Let’s take the joy from Thanksgiving and try to transform each day……
“Gratitude can transform common days into Thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.” ~ William Arthur Ward Let’s take the joy from Thanksgiving and try to transform each day……
I can’t remember where I saw it but it was a message about dreaming small. At first, just like you, I was thinking, that is not the right message, we should always be striving for more, see ourselves as our best, reaching for the stars, achieve big things, be all you can be… But then… Read More
Do you ever feel like you are bursting at the seams? There is no room for anything else in your mind. Because you’re so full, it affects how you perform your normal activities; like yesterday I put my car keys in the dog’s basket of toys. For me, it takes a lot to see I… Read More
One of my favorite things about being aware of your surroundings is being able to see a God Wink when it shows up. A God Wink is defined as “An event or personal experience, often identified as coincidence, so astonishing that it is seen as a sign of divine intervention, especially when perceived as the… Read More
There is a funny thing called shame. When it creeps up, it can shift how you feel inside. One of my girls recently gave in to some peer pressure and did something unkind to another friend (although nothing earth-shattering). When she came into the house, her whole demeanor was off. I knew something was up.… Read More
Every August for the past 14 years, I have been blessed to get a night or two away with a dear friend who has a beach house. We sit on the beach for hours and ignore any clock. We talk about everything that is happening in our lives, the good, the bad, the ugly. We… Read More
It is going to get raw, buckle-up! I have put on weight, I know it. Maybe not as it was happening, in the moment when I was eating that dessert I did not need or having the second glass of wine. But one day, I woke up and said, enough; this is not me, not… Read More
It is no secret I love to read self-help/personal growth books. Well, I recently finished YOU are a BADASS, How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero. This is a great read, many things you may already know, but maybe just needed to hear in a different way.… Read More
I recently had this tweet show up on my phone and it got me thinking. What if we woke up everyday and said this simple sentence? What would our day be like? How would we react to those around us? How about the annoying driver in front of us that is going 10 miles under… Read More
A part of my last day at my old company was a happy hour to celebrate me. I actually think it was a celebration of all the projects I worked on, clients I served, and implementations where I played a part. It was so great to see all the friends and colleagues who came by… Read More