
What a special gift from God to have the ability to retell a great memory. And if you have lived as long as me, or even longer, there are so many in that vault of yours.  It always amazes me what memories come up and when. As an example, at the start of the school year, I can recall the smell of the halls of my school, as a child along with the feeling of my uniform, on my skin. I can remember and draw the same fear I had as a child when it would downpour, you know the summer downpours that come with little warning. I can finally listen to the playlist I made my brother in his final days and just remember being kids, with little worries. Then as I move into my college years or early 20’s, I can recall the adventures my friends and I had, as we were trying to figure out how to be adults.  I could go on as could you…

Facebook even offers a small dose of memories each day by way of a picture you posted years back. Most of my Facebook posts are around the girls, vacations, and work trips. All those memories just remind me how time is moving fast and how unbelievably lucky I am to be exactly where I am today.

In the end, I like to believe memories are God’s reminders of your blessings.  All our experiences, good and bad, brought us right to this very moment.

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